Sacred Activism

Share your story to communicate with others on a deep level and promote harmony and unity so we can create solutions to issues that need healing.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Sacred Activism: May 2006

Sacred Activism: May 2006

My book is now published and I've been having a blast with the marketing of it. In the void of time between sending the final, corrected version to the printer and receiving the shipment I wondered how I'd feel once I had a garage full of my books. WONDERFUL is how I feel! Not scared or worried or fretful. I'm truly happy and having fun with it. And I'm learning a fabulous life lesson in the process of having fun. Who'da thunk you could learn while having fun?

One of the lift lessons I began working on some months ago was being open to receive. This was precipitated by my frustration and resentfulness at over-giving of myself and my work. Giving my self away, was the phrase I used as I did work for no pay. I justified it to myself in many ways, mostly telling myself that it was good PR. In truth it was me telling myself how little I valued my self and my work.

Along came my book shipment, and I was madly sending out review packets which included copies of my book. I also sent out several copies to friends as gifts. Then a very strange thing started happening. Checks began appearing in the mail from those whom I had gifted copies of my book. Some who purchased the book from me insisted on paying me more than the published price of $14.95.

The first time I received a check in the mail from someone I'd sent the book to as a gift I was at first appalled. "She must think that I'm soliciting my book like those people who send out return email address stickers and ask for a donation", I thought. "How humiliating. I'll straighten this out." These thoughts came even after I'd read her beautiful note saying that she wanted to support me in my work as I'd supported her in hers.

Thanks to a dear friend who gave me a much-needed reality check, I realized that this was an opportunity for me to learn how to receive with gratitude and appreciation. I emailed the women who sent me the check and thanked her not only for the check but for the opportunity to experience being open to receive, and thus, forward my learning.

Since then I've received several more opportunities to receive and I'm getting better at being open and willing to accept these gifts.


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